Monday, August 15, 2005

oh my goodness, oh my goodness

well, it looks like things are about to pick up in Gina town, folks.

no only are we playing at the mega-awesome 3SHOTS event at Hangar 1018 on Saturday August 20th at 7pm (to be followed by such wondrous goodness as 8-Bit, Fascinoma, Substitute Universe, and Poolabomb)

but... and...

we are also recording an ALBUM of straight Evangina delights on the 27th with the supra-fantastic wonderboy Jeremy Zuckerman, who happens to do the composing for a Nickelodeon show called AVATAR, that if haven't seen, you should, because it is rather on the zen tip, good for the spirit and quite enjoyable to boot.

and then...

in September the Gina is going down to Long Beach for the Women on the Mic extravaganza... where you can win a CD player and an album from every band on the bill in a raffle. WHO DOESN'T LOVE A RAFFLE???

it's feeling like a good month, for a lot of reasons.

you can read lisa and my (juli's) blogs for more personal spillage.


we love you all, whoever you are.

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