Evangina has just entered our first "song contest" over at GarageBand.com (http://www.garageband.com/artist/evangina)
Now, we have no expectation of winning any such contest, however, it is of course a dramatic act to simply put something so love sick and simple out there in the fierce world of GarageBand music and reviews.
Bo Bice, the beloved second-placer of the last season of American Idol, was a GarageBand music posting participant. I don't know if any of his bands ever won in any of their categories, but GarageBand certainly emblazoned the front page of their site with his image when he made it into the final stretch on American Idolatry. Did they ever!
And this, my friends, is similar to our tactics. Put the song out there, let it be torn apart by the clawed beasts and toothed boars, and then, someday, down the line, when by a most bizarre twist of fate lisa dee and me become America's Sweethearts for a fine, fine fifteen minutes... then, my friends, THEN we will have our glory day on the front page of GarageBand.com!
Till then, you could do something nice for the Gina Girls and visit us over there on GarageBand. It's free to join the site, listen to songs, and do reviews. If you do a hella reviews, you can even EARN the credit to post your OWN vulnerable musical stylings and expose you soft underbelly to the hounds of hell.
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